von Miriam | Aug 24, 2019 | International
Science Slam TWIN CITIES Krasnodar – Karlsruhe Anlässlich des Deutsch-Russischen Themenjahres der Hochschulkooperation und Wissenschaft 2018-2020 veranstalten wir einen Städtepartnerslam in Krasnodar – auf der Bühne stehen ausschließlich Slammer, die aus einer der...
von Miriam | Jul 31, 2019 | International
On behalf of the Goethe-Institute and The Year of German-American Friendship, policult is organizing a series of entertaining „science communication“ events called „science slam“. The Shows will be presented during the road show of the Year of...
von Miriam | Jul 1, 2019 | International
On behalf of the Goethe-Institute and The Year of German-American Friendship, policult is organizing a series of entertaining „science communication“ events called „science slam“. The Shows will be presented during the road show of the Year of...
von Miriam | Mrz 20, 2019 | International
On behalf of the Goethe-Institute and The Year of German-American Friendship, policult is organizing a series of entertaining „science communication“ events called „science slam“. The Shows will be presented during the road show of the Year of...